Severe storm caused flooding in Argentina
Severe storm caused flooding in Argentina.

On Sunday, 7, amid relentless , Villa General Belgrano, a charming town in 's Córdoba province, faced a fierce , transforming serene streets into raging rivers. The persistent caused a dramatic rise in water levels, wreaking havoc on houses, public infrastructure, and the daily lives of residents. The 's unyielding force hit Córdoba, inducing severe flooding across various cities, particularly impacting Villa General Belgrano and nearby Los Reartes with heavy rainfall, , and strong gusts.

Daily life, including events like the Festival of Dressage and Folklore of Jesús María, was disrupted. Emergency services worked tirelessly to evacuate, shelter, and ensure safety as the National Meteorological Service issued alerts for more impending storms. As the waters subsided, the arduous task of recovery and rebuilding began, with authorities assessing the widespread damage inflicted by the ravaging .

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