pike in July 2024

Fisherman's calendar, bite in July 2024: days with bite

Fishing in : what a fisherman needs to consider

is always marked by abnormally high temperatures and many fishermen consider it not the most favorable time for fishing. Let's look at the features of fishing in and highlight a few points that novice anglers should know.

In warm July waters, the fish become lethargic, the bite decreases, which leads to unsuccessful fishing. This is due to the fact that the surface of reservoirs heats up significantly, and the oxygen content in the water decreases. The fish looks for it in deeper places.

Also, fishing in July is complicated by algae blooms in slow-flowing rivers, stagnant lakes and ponds. Fishing becomes unproductive, since the fish are already saturated with algae, and after the bloom, their decomposition begins, as a result of which there is not enough oxygen.

Fishing in July is considered unstable, however, experienced anglers find ways to catch prey. Especially if you check the lunar calendar, because the behavior of fish often depends on the phases of the . For example, on a Full you should not expect successful fishing, since the fish prefers a more cautious lifestyle due to the bright lighting.

July fishing in hot weather rarely brings a rich catch. Therefore, if you want to catch a lot of fish, you should choose warm but cloudy weather, and also fish during light . It is better to appear at the reservoir early in the morning, at dawn, when the water has not yet warmed up. The fish does not feel any discomfort, is highly active and is interested in bait. Some types of fish, such as pike perch, chub and bream, are excellent for catching at night.

Not all fish species react negatively to the heat in July. For example, carp and carp, on the contrary, become more active at elevated water temperatures during the day.

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Favorable/unfavorable days for fishing in July 2024.

Date Bite (predatory fish) Bite (white fish)
July 1 Waning moon (32%) Medium Medium
July 2 Waning moon (26%) Medium Medium
July 3 Waning moon (18%) Medium Medium
July 4th Waning moon (12%) Medium Medium
July 5 Waning moon (4%) Medium Medium
July 6 New Moon (0%) 👎 Bad 👎Bad
July 7 Waxing moon (10%) Medium Medium
July 8 Waxing moon (16%) Medium Medium
July 9 Waxing moon (22%) Medium Medium
July 10 Waxing moon (28%) Medium Medium
July 11 Waxing moon (36%) 👌 Good Medium
July 12 Waxing moon (42%) 👌 Good Medium
July 13 Waxing moon (48%) 👌 Good Medium
July 14 First quarter (50%) 👌 Good Medium
July 15 Waxing moon (60%) 👌 Good Medium
July 16 Waxing moon (68%) 👌 Good Medium
July 17 Waxing moon (74%) 👌 Good Medium
July 18 Waxing moon (80%) 👌 Good Medium
July 19 Waxing moon (86%) 👌 Good Medium
July 20 Waxing moon (94%) 👌 Good Medium
July 21 Full Moon (100%) 👎 Bad 👎Bad
July 22 Waning moon (94%) 👎 Bad 👎Bad
July 23 Waning moon (86%) Medium Medium
July 24 Waning moon (80%) Medium Medium
July 25 Waning moon (72%) Medium Medium
July 26 Waning moon (64%) Medium Medium
July 27 Waning moon (58%) Medium Medium
July 28 Waning moon (50%) Medium Medium
July 29 Waning moon (44%) Medium Medium
July 30 Waning moon (36%) Medium Medium
July 31 Waning moon (28%) Medium Medium

Unfortunately  in July there are no days with excellent bite, this is due to the phases of the moon and the .

But even the average level of bite gives a good chance of catching.

During the new moon and full moon, the fish bite weakens, but during the waxing and waning moon, on the contrary, it intensifies. The best bite at high or stable pressure. Pressure drop: poor bite.

Catching a predator in July.

Fish Description
Perch Perch fishing in July can be very successful, despite the hot weather. The striped robber is not very afraid of the heat and actively bites in the summer. It can be found almost anywhere, including deep water, areas with prominent vegetation, edges of clear water and reeds. The presence of flooded trees, snags, deep currents and holes indicates the presence of perch. Large specimens have chosen the depths as a stopping place. For fishing, use both spinning and float gear. Red worms and bloodworms have become classic baits for perch. The color of artificial baits should be chosen based on the weather conditions outside the window. On sunny days, dark or natural colors that imitate fish will be effective, and on cloudy days it is better to use bright lures. The choice of gear and bait can be individual and depends on the preferences and experience of the fisherman, as well as on the specific conditions of the reservoir.
Pike Fishing for July pike may result in some difficulties due to the heat, but this will not prevent you from achieving good results. In hot weather, large individuals move lazily, and some may completely stop active feeding. It is important to consider the size of the pike and look for it at depths where the water remains cool. In small bodies of water, in July the predator prefers to hide from the heat in thickets of vegetation, including algae. In the morning and evening hours, as well as in cool weather, pike go to the coastal zone to hunt. She chooses places with underwater vegetation, where she will definitely encounter concentrations of fry. Pike are caught using float and bottom tackle, as well as using circles and girders. The main type of bait is live bait. Any local fish that is a food supply for pike in a given reservoir will play the honorable role of live bait. Spoons, wobblers and silicone baits are suitable for spinning fishing. The main requirement is not to catch underwater vegetation when retrieving.
Pike perch Pike perch is a very valuable fish and is considered a real delicacy, and catching a predator in July requires serious preparation, correct tactics and technique. It's important to know where to look for walleye at this time of year. In hot weather, it sinks closer to the cool bottom. Therefore, it is recommended to look for pike perch in places with a sharp change in depth, such as whirlpools and holes with snags. July fishing is possible both during the day and in the evening, but the most productive bite is observed at night, when pike perch is actively hunting. They use not only a spinning rod, but also a classic float rod with live bait. A spinning rod must be rigid and able to withstand the resistance of a predator. Goby, roach and gudgeon are suitable as live bait. Spinning fishing is carried out using spinners, wobblers and silicone baits. It is recommended to experiment with different types of baits and their colors to determine which ones are most effective.
Catfish July catfish fishing promises an unforgettable adventure for all participants. The main thing is to unravel the location of the mustachioed predator. Start by carefully checking deep holes and surrounding areas. An excellent sign will be the presence of shallow areas near the holes, where the catfish will go hunting in the dark. The giant predator usually adheres to a kind of sedentary lifestyle, which makes it predictable in bodies of water with which you are familiar. Don't forget to check out the sunken boats and barges, which are often home to trophy specimens. Catching catfish in July is possible throughout the day, but the highest activity occurs at night. You will need bottom gear and hooks, as well as a variety of animal baits selected in accordance with the preferences of the catfish in a particular reservoir. Large frogs, live bait and pieces of meat are considered excellent baits in July, capable of attracting the attention of large individuals. In addition, you can use worms, insects, chicken liver and even black leeches.
Bubot Fishing for burbot in the summer is a real adventure! This curious predator feeds only at night; during the day it prefers peace and inaction. In mid-summer, burbot is often found under stones and sleeps in the sunny time of day. Imagine, you can even try to catch it with your bare hands! Burbot also prefers clean water and often lives in shallow rivers with cold springs. The predator is caught mainly with live bait using bottom fishing rods. Although sometimes burbot may be interested in earthworms. It is recommended to use ruffes and minnows as live bait, as they are its main food. To attract the attention of burbot, the bait should be carefully placed on the hook by the gills and lowered into the water.

How to catch white fish in July.

Fish Description
Crucian carp Crucian carp fishing this month may be unpredictable, but experienced anglers always find ways to achieve success. Crucian carp are known for their capricious behavior in summer: they bite slowly and carefully, especially in shallow water. The most favorable time for July fishing is the early morning hours, at dawn. At this time, the fish rises to the surface, since the upper layers of the reservoir have not yet warmed up. An excellent bite for crucian carp is most often observed in cloudy and rainy weather, when the heat gives way to summer coolness and precipitation. On such days, crucian carp can actively peck throughout the day. Crucian carp can often be found in the thickets near the shore. The main fishing tackle is a regular fishing rod. In the summer, fish prefer plant food, so black bread, porridge, dough, wheat or oatmeal would be a good bait. It is important to consider that water transparency also affects the success of fishing. If the water is not very clear, it is better to use a blue fishing line. For large crucian carp that feed near the bottom, a line colored in the color of the soil can be effective.
Roach Catching July roach brings joy and solid success. This fish is active and feeds all day, sometimes even at night. It is important to change bait promptly. In July, roaches look for cooler places, and in the summer heat they can escape to the depths and hide in the bottom layers of water. Promising places for fishing are considered to be clean areas between thickets of aquatic plants. Animal and plant baits are used. Vegetable options such as pearl barley, corn and mash will delight you with their effectiveness. For good results, add honey and other sweet additives to the dough. You can also flavor pearl barley to make it more attractive. The most popular way to catch roach in July is fishing with a standard float rod. However, to catch larger specimens, you can use a feeder.
Bream  Bream is a coveted trophy for many anglers. In mid-summer you can meet a large specimen, but for this you need to be persistent and properly prepared. The behavior of July bream changes due to high ambient temperatures. It prefers deep areas of the reservoir with little current, such as holes, whirlpools and edges. Look for bream near the weeds in shaded areas. The silted coastal bay is considered a productive place for fishing. A long float rod with a thin line is a universal weapon. If desired, you can use a feeder rod with a small feeder or a spinning rod with special attachments. The choice of gear depends on the focus on a large trophy. Bream fishing always occurs with the use of bait: it is recommended to add flavorings, cereals and green peas. You can use classic worms, pasta or dough to bait the hook. Semolina is also effective in July. To catch a good bream, you need to be patient and willing to fish for a long time.
Silver bream Catching silver bream in July turns into an interesting and exciting activity. The fish are active all day, but the best moment is sunrise, when the water begins to warm up after the overnight temperature drop. However, it is worth considering that the silver bream is becoming more cautious. You should look for silver bream in deep holes with a muddy or clay bottom, where it gathers in schools. It is important to take into account that the activity of the silver bream depends on the activity of the entire group, so determining where the fish are concentrated plays an important role. One of the most effective baits is maggots, which should be sent to the hook in a bunch.
The standard set of vegetable baits for catching silver bream includes canned corn and peas, pearl barley, dough and bread crumb. Groundbait traditionally contains predominantly fine plant components. The ideal ingredients would be breadcrumbs, ground cereal and cake. Catching silver bream with a float rod is the simplest, but most effective option. The feeder is suitable for hunting in areas of the reservoir quite far from the shore.
Tench It has been noticed that tench are less active at the beginning of summer; the bite resumes around mid-July. It is best to start fishing in the morning, around eight o'clock. Fishing is not complete without complementary food. You can use pieces of massive, but well-chopped worms or just cottage cheese. Promising places are areas near reeds or reeds. They fish mainly from the shore, but you can safely use a boat. The most successful fishing is observed on a cloudy day, when the summer is lightly drizzling. In such conditions, productive fishing can continue until sunset. The bait is red dung worms, bloodworms or cleaned crayfish necks. When choosing gear, it is recommended to give preference to a long and elastic rod with a strong fishing line. The tench bite in July may depend on weather changes. For example, when the atmospheric pressure drops, the bite often stops.
Carp Where to look for July carp? When the weather gets hot, carp prefer to go deeper and look for shady areas. He can also arrange parking areas near trees and snags that have fallen into the water. It is always important to take into account the nature of weather conditions. If the unbearable heat persists throughout the month, we recommend going fishing early in the morning or in the evening. Cloudy, cool July weather is a good time: the carp bite is observed even during lunch hours. Under stable weather conditions without significant fluctuations in air temperature and changes in atmospheric pressure, they fish all day. In July, not only float gear is used, but also bottom gear. The classic pair of baits is maggots with a worm, however, if you notice an abundance of animal food in the reservoir, it is better to switch to vegetable baits, such as potatoes, pearl barley, peas, corn and dough with pronounced flavors. Do not overdo it with bait so that the bait remains more attractive and nutritious for the fish.
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