
Thunderstorms are weather phenomena characterized by the presence of thunder and lightning. They are caused by the rapid upward movement of warm, moist air, which cools and condenses to form cumulonimbus clouds. Within these clouds, strong updrafts and downdrafts create a dynamic and turbulent environment, leading to the development of thunderstorms.

How to Stay Safe During a Tornado?


As nature unleashes its fury in destructive forms, being prepared is always paramount. Tornadoes, with their swift and destructive power, demand proactive measures to ensure safety.

Chicago is under a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm warning.

Chicago is under a tornado watch

The City of Chicago, state of Illinois, is under a tornado watch as a cold front sweeps through the region. Severe storms triggered a tornado warning in the Chicago area on Tuesday evening, February 27, with at least five tornado sightings reported by the National Weather Service.