Magnetic Storm

Magnetic storms in April 2024: Calendar by day (updated)

Magnetic storms in April 2024: Calendar by day (updated)

According to the forecast of NOAA (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), April 2024 is expected to be relatively calm overall.
Despite the solar eclipse that will occur on April 8, 2024 and may lead to minor disturbances in the earth’s magnetosphere, the reasons for which are discussed below.

geomagnetic storm solar flare

Earth in the Crosshairs: Major Sunspot Could Deliver a Strong Blow

⚠️ Currently, it is known that the AR3590 spot has an unstable magnetic field “beta-gamma-delta,” containing energy for several X-class explosions. Is it preparing for a new X-ray flare? If so, the flare will be geo-effective, as it is directed directly towards Earth. The probability of impact is 99%.