Magnetic storms in July 2024

Forecast of magnetic storms for July 2024.

Solar activity:In 2024, solar activity will be moderate.

Magnetic storms: Minor magnetic storms are expected (K-index 3) 14-16 and 20-21 .

On other days, magnetic activity will be calm.


In July 2024, magnetic storms are expected on the following days:

Date K-index Strength Description
14 3 Weak Minor malfunctions in the operation of radio communications and power systems are possible.
July 15 3 Weak Minor malfunctions in the operation of radio communications and power systems are possible.
July 16 3 Weak Minor malfunctions in the operation of radio communications and power systems are possible.
July 19 2 Low Magnetic activity will be slightly increased.
July 20 3 Weak Minor malfunctions in the operation of radio communications and power systems are possible.
July 21 3 Weak Minor malfunctions in the operation of radio communications and power systems are possible.
July 22 2 Low Magnetic activity will be slightly increased.


How to read the magnetic storm forecast:


  • K-index: This is an international index that is used to evaluate the intensity of magnetic storms. The higher the K-index, the stronger the magnetic .
  • Strength: Description of the strength of the magnetic (weak, medium, strong, extreme).
  • Description: Possible consequences of a magnetic .

Recommendations for magnetic storm:


  • Avoid overload and stress.
  • Rest more.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Drink more water.
  • Take medications if necessary.


Keep an eye on the forecast to stay informed and prepare for possible negative impacts.

Where to get information about magnetic storms:

Information about is available in Weather bot.

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