Gardener’s lunar calendar for November 2024

November is the last month of autumn. During this period, gardeners sum up the results of their work, evaluate the harvest and actively prepare the land for the cold, winter stage. There is still a lot of work, it is important to finish pruning dry and diseased branches, this will reduce the risk of infections in the future. Digging the soil also takes a lot of time, if you do this in the fall, the soil will be looser in the spring, this will make it easier to process and reduce the number of pests. In free areas, you can sow "green fertilizers" such as mustard or rye. They enrich the soil with organic matter and suppress the growth of weeds. If you haven't had time yet, November is the last time to plant winter garlic and onions. They tolerate winter frosts well and will begin to grow early in the spring. Some gardeners practice winter sowing of carrots and beets. These crops begin to grow earlier in the spring, but cold-resistant varieties should be used. Do not forget about caring for perennial flowers such as peonies, asters, irises, they need to be cut and covered with dry leaves or mulch. Heat-loving plants, such as dahlias and gladioli, should be dug up, dried and stored in a cool place. In addition, you can plant many different plants, especially if you have a greenhouse. But when planning your time, do not forget that not every day will be favorable. Before starting work, it is worth looking at the lunar calendar for November, it will tell you the best day for various types of work.
Moon phases in November 2024.
Moon phase name | Activity period |
🌒 Waxing Moon | November 2-14 |
🌕 Full Moon | Expected November 15 |
🌘 Waning Moon | November 16-30 |
🌑 New Moon | November 1 |
🌑 Lunar Eclipse | not expected |
🌕 Solar Eclipse | not expected |
Good dates for work in November 2024.
Plant name | Dates for work in November |
Carrot | 18, 19, 21, 24 |
Beetroot | 19, 20, 23, 24 |
Onions, garlic | 12, 16, 18 |
Cabbage | 3. 6, 8 |
Dill, parsley, cilantro | 18, 21, 23, 25 |
Berries and fruits | 3, 5, 7, 10 |
Flowers | 3, 7, 8. 11, 14</nbsp; |
- November 1-2 - days new moon, we advise you to refrain from any work with plants.
- November 3-5 - a favorable time for agricultural work. You can plant winter garlic, greens or onions. During this period, you can actively work physically: dig up the soil, harvest late crops, or mulch the beds. The lunar calendar does not recommend pruning branches and germinating seeds.
- November 6-7 - dates unfavorable for procedures with plant roots, all other work is allowed. You can apply fertilizers, treat land plots from pests, remove leaves and plant garlic or greens.
- November 8-9 - you should not plant crops on these days. You should also refuse to fertilize and water. Instead, the lunar calendar advises to devote time to the soil, remove weeds or dig up the garden.
- November 10-11 - planting winter crops is popular among gardeners now. The days are favorable for planting these varieties. If you have a greenhouse, you can sow lettuce, spinach or cucumbers in it. You should not carry out pest control, trim plants or prepare the soil for seedlings.
- November 12-13 - sowing on these days is not necessary. But you can loosen the soil or treat the garden for pests.
- November 14 - a favorable time for growing onions and garlic, as well as winter sowing of red beets, carrots and parsley. The lunar calendar does not recommend loosening the soil.
- November 15 - full moon. It is better to refuse from land works.
- November 17 - if there is a late harvest left, it is better to collect it, it is not recommended to transplant plants to another place.
- November 18-20 - restrictions on work on these days are minimal, it is worth refraining from using pesticides and collecting root crops.
- November 21-22 - we work on land plots, you can mulch plants and dig up the soil.
- November 23-25 - time to think about the next season, it is worth doing winter sowing of root crops and greens for forcing. Restrictions on fertilizing, processing or insulation no plants.
- November 26-27 - do not use pesticides. If you have free time, we recommend spending it in a greenhouse, planting cucumbers or greens, you can carry out winter sowing of carrots and beets.
- November 28-30 - there are no restrictions on planting seasonal crops. You just need to refrain from dividing the roots and pruning plants.