Planting Calendar

Planting Calendar - Gardening by the Moon for July 2024.

Growing garden crops requires not only care, but also careful planning, which experienced gardeners understand especially well. Success in this matter largely depends on compliance with the correct planting dates.

A planting calendar is an important tool that helps you determine the best time to plant seeds, seedlings, and other gardening tasks. It takes into account various factors such as climatic conditions, daylight hours, soil temperature and the individual needs of each crop.

The Lunar sowing calendar has been the most popular and effective method for determining favorable and unfavorable days for a long time, because thousands of years ago people noticed that a month affects the development of all living things in the plant world. The worst period for planting is the New , and the waxing Moon, on the contrary, contributes to the excellent ripening of vegetables and fruits. People still use these predictions.

The equator of summer is an active and “hot” time for all gardeners; in many crops ripen, the harvest begins in the fields, those plants that have not yet ripened require care and generous watering.

Right now, we advise you to analyze and correct the mistakes that were made during the active planting campaign, plant crops that will have time to ripen before autumn, and begin preparing for the next season. The lunar calendar for July 2024 will help you determine which dates are best to do this work.

Moon phases in July 2024.

Name of lunar phase Activity days
🌒Waxing Moon From July 7 to July 20
🌕 Full Moon Expected July 21
🌘 Waning Moon The first period is from July 1 to July 5, the second from July 22 to July 31
🌑 New Moon (New Moon) July 6
🌑 Lunar eclipse will not be
🌕 not expected


Good dates for planting plants and gardening are in July 2024.

Name of plants or type of work Dates
Peas, beans July 1, 2, 23, 26
Tomatoes July 10, 13, 15
Zucchini and pumpkin July 8, 9, 11
Parsley, dill and other herbs 1,2 and 22 to 28 July
Big July 2, 20, 28, 29
Eggplant 7,9, July 11
Applying organic fertilizers July 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25
Pruning branches 9, 18, 19 July
Weeding and thinning of plants July 10, 11, 22

If you focus on the lunar phases, then the best dates for carrying out work on your gardens, orchards and plots will be 1-4, 5, 7-13, 14-20, 22-31 numbers.

During this period, you can fight weeds, plant new plants, plow, water the garden in the morning and evening, and also trim trees and bushes.

In July you can plant many different plants, mainly greens and lettuce. Beds that have already been cleared of previous crops are perfect for this.

In addition, gardeners plant those plants that will bear fruit in the fall, such as beets, beans, broccoli and early varieties of cabbage.

Gardeners believe that July 1, 2 and from July 22 to 28 are the most favorable time for planting root crops.

The middle of the month is a good time to devote time to indoor plants, as well as flowers planted outside and in flower beds.

July 6 and July 21we advise you to completely forget about land and field work, because these dates are the most unfavorable for this type of activity.

At this time, it is better to relax or do other things, because summer is at the equator, so do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it.