
Storm Kathleen has brought disruption to the UK and Ireland
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Storm Kathleen has brought disruption to the UK and Ireland

Gusts of about 70mph have hit the island of Ireland and parts of Britain - with the conditions leaving planes…

7 April 2024
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Storm Nelson wreaked havoc in Spain and affected the UK.

Storm Nelson made its devastating landfall in Spain on Thursday, March 28, claiming the lives of at least four individuals,…

2 April 2024
  • ⚡News

Storm Ingunn Ravages Coastal Norway

The most powerful storm for 30 years has battered large parts of Central and Northern Norway, affecting power, transport links,…

1 February 2024
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Storm Jocelyn Sweeps Across UK with 97mph Gusts

Severe winds left thousands of homes powerless in Galloway, highlighting the destructive impact of the storm.

26 January 2024
  • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 UK Weather

Storm Isha put Ireland & UK under Weather Warnings.

Storm Isha unleashed its fury across the United Kingdom, leaving more than 55,000 homes without power overnight.

22 January 2024