Weather Voikove for month Leninskyi district Autonomous Republic Crimea
from 24 november - to 23 december

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Overcast and light rain, Precipitation probability 53%, Sunrise 07:45, Sunset 16:56, 24.11.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 37%, Sunrise 07:46, Sunset 16:55, 25.11.2024

Overcast and light rain, Precipitation probability 80%, Sunrise 07:48, Sunset 16:55, 26.11.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 34%, Sunrise 07:49, Sunset 16:54, 27.11.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 5%, Sunrise 07:50, Sunset 16:53, 28.11.2024

Clear, Precipitation probability 11%, Sunrise 07:51, Sunset 16:53, 29.11.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 16%, Sunrise 07:52, Sunset 16:53, 30.11.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 23%, Sunrise 07:54, Sunset 16:52, 01.12.2024

Partly cloudy, Precipitation probability 15%, Sunrise 07:55, Sunset 16:52, 02.12.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 25%, Sunrise 07:56, Sunset 16:52, 03.12.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 28%, Sunrise 07:57, Sunset 16:51, 04.12.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 29%, Sunrise 07:58, Sunset 16:51, 05.12.2024

Overcast, Precipitation probability 37%, Sunrise 07:59, Sunset 16:51, 06.12.2024


Overcast, Precipitation probability 31%, Sunrise 08:00, Sunset 16:51, 07.12.2024

Cloudy, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:01, Sunset 16:51, 08.12.2024

Clear, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:02, Sunset 16:51, 09.12.2024

Mostly clear, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:03, Sunset 16:51, 10.12.2024

Cloudy, Precipitation probability 48%, Sunrise 08:04, Sunset 16:51, 11.12.2024

Overcast and rain, Precipitation probability 48%, Sunrise 08:05, Sunset 16:51, 12.12.2024

Overcast and rain, Precipitation probability 49%, Sunrise 08:05, Sunset 16:51, 13.12.2024

Partly cloudy and light rain, Precipitation probability 49%, Sunrise 08:06, Sunset 16:51, 14.12.2024

Cloudy, Precipitation probability 49%, Sunrise 08:07, Sunset 16:51, 15.12.2024

Clear, Precipitation probability 48%, Sunrise 08:08, Sunset 16:52, 16.12.2024

Cloudy, Precipitation probability 48%, Sunrise 08:08, Sunset 16:52, 17.12.2024

Mostly clear, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:09, Sunset 16:52, 18.12.2024

Overcast and rain, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:10, Sunset 16:53, 19.12.2024

Overcast and light rain, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:10, Sunset 16:53, 20.12.2024

Overcast and light rain, Precipitation probability 47%, Sunrise 08:11, Sunset 16:54, 21.12.2024

Partly cloudy and showers, Precipitation probability 46%, Sunrise 08:11, Sunset 16:54, 22.12.2024

Clear, Precipitation probability 46%, Sunrise 08:12, Sunset 16:55, 23.12.2024


Current weather forecast for 30 days in Voikove.
The meteorological forecast is as follows: temperature forecast at the end of the november -1°C - +18°C, temperature weather forecast at the beginning of the december -2°C - +14°C, temperature in the middle of the december is expected +2°C - +12°C.
Temperature maximum +18°C.
Weather forecast minimum -2°C.
Precipitation is expected on the following days: 23.11.2024.
Winds are forecast up to 10.6 m/s.

Precipitation probability, %

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Probability of precipitation in percent (%) - this indicator indicates the probability of precipitation in a certain location at a certain time and is not related to their intensity. For example, a 20% chance of rain means that there is a 20% chance that it will rain in a given location. This does not mean that the entire area will be covered with precipitation, it indicates that, in some part of the location, precipitation may fall. A probability of up to 30% is considered low, and an 80% probability guarantees precipitation.

Wind direction and speed, m/s

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Wind force (m/s) - measured in meters per second (m/s) and indicates the speed of movement of air masses. Light wind has a speed of 1 to 5 m/s, moderate wind - from 6 to 10 m/s, strong wind - from 11 to 20 m/s, storm wind - from 21 to 32. Wind direction in weather forecasts means where the wind is blowing, for example NW means that the wind is blowing from the northwest.

Geomagnetic activity,

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
– Small disturbances
– Weak storms
– Strong storms
– Extreme storms

The highest index of geomagnetic activity from 24.11 to 07.12 is predicted to be 4 points.
Increased geomagnetic activity is expected in the next month. People with cardiovascular diseases are advised to limit physical activity at this time. exercise, get enough sleep and drink more of water.